daughter asked an interesting question recently, as we travelled to school
along a main highway. She drove along safely, obeying all the road rules and
someone cut us up for the third time in a half hour journey.
are all these people going in such a hurry?” she asked in frustration.
work, appointments...stuff they have to do.”
was one of those interesting aha moments for me.
The proportion of people who
actually like their employed work is abysmally small and that’s a sad fact of
life; thirteen years end to end of hating every minute.
let’s face it, nobody really wants to be driving their squawking, arguing kids
to school as they slap the snot out of each other on the back seat. They wouldn’t
do it in a taxi, on the bus...or in front of their friends.
really wants to rush to a painful dentist appointment, or part with lots of
money at the doctors?
true. If the place you were going was that urgent and you wanted to be there
so much that it was worth dying for, you’d leave earlier, wouldn’t you? You
wouldn’t be rushing and you definitely wouldn’t be late. It’s amazing how we
can get to somewhere we really want be, full of enthusiasm and with minutes to
spare. The cafe, the friend’s place, the match, the pub, the party; we all make it there
on time...and alive.
next time you cut someone up at the intersection, or tail gate someone doing
the correct speed limit - think about where you’re actually going. Imagine the
police officer shifting awkwardly from foot to foot and informing your
distraught parent, partner or child, “They died excited to get to work...desperate to get to the dentist...risking their life to...”
You fill in the blanks.
down, or at least die for something worthwhile if you have to. And if you really have to, make sure you don't take some other poor soul with you.
#roadsafety #DangerDriving #lifelessons